Oral Surgery (extractions)

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oral surgery


Restore Your Oral Health

At Alpha Dental Excellence, our goal is to be your sole dental health provider by performing everything from simple surgeries, such as tooth extractions, to more specialized operations. Our dentists and team may recommend oral surgery to treat disease, injury, or dental discomfort. We encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Arpan Patel and our highly-trained dental experts if you or a member of your family could benefit from oral surgery. Call us today at (215) 515-2393!

Oral surgery includes a number of surgical dental treatments. The goal of oral surgery is to improve the function, health, and appearance of your smile and the surrounding structures, such as your jaw. In many cases, we strive to provide the most conservative treatment possible. However, oral surgery may be necessary to correct certain conditions and improve your oral and overall health. Oral surgery may include:

    Tooth extraction (for teeth that are decayed, damaged, or infected to the point that an effective restoration is impossible).
    Wisdom teeth removal (for wisdom teeth that are impacted or have grown in at an incorrect angle).
    Jaw surgery (to treat a TMJ disorder, correct uneven jaw growth, or improve the fit of dentures).
    Bone grafts (to increase bone density or improve the chances for a successful dental implant).

While we provide many oral surgery treatments at our office, we also work closely with other dental professionals and hospitals to ensure that you receive the high-quality results you deserve. Our dentists will carefully evaluate your smile and your needs to determine whether oral surgery is the best available treatment choice for you.

You Can Have It All!

It can be difficult to find a dental office that provides both advanced technology and compassionate care, but you can have it all here!